League of Legends Coaching Guide Curriculum

    1. Introduction To Vanta Developmental Coaching Guides

    2. Developmental Guide Format

    3. Goal Setting

    1. Week One: Introduction to League of Legends

    2. Week 2: XP & Gold

    3. Week 3: Shop, Items & Runes

    4. Week 4: Positions

    5. Week 5: Objectives

    6. Week 6: Vision & Warding

    7. Week 7: VOD Review 101

    8. Week 8: Laning Phase

    9. Week 9: In Game Communications

    10. Week 10: Review Week and Playoff Prep

    1. Week 1: Gold and Experience (Advanced)

    2. Week 2: Laning Phase

    3. Week 3: Wave Management

    4. Week 4: Resource Management and Lane Priority

    5. Week 5: VOD Review 101

    6. Week 6: Draft and Team Comps

    7. Week 7: In Game Communications

    8. Week 8: Advanced Laning/Jungle Pathing

    9. Week 9: Playing From Behind

    10. Week 10: Review Week and Playoff Prep

    1. Week 1: In Game Communications

    2. Week 2: Advanced Laning/Jungle Pathing

    3. Week 3: VOD Review 101

    4. Week 4: Advanced Objective Control

    5. Week 5: Draft

    6. Week 6: Playing From Behind

    7. Week 7: Advanced Skirmishing and Teamfighting

    8. Week 8: Compensation Awareness

    9. Week 9: Flex Week

    10. Week 10: Review Week and Playoff Prep

About this course

  • $89.99 / year
  • 33 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Better coaching, better outcomes.

Access the League of Legends Coaching Guide designed by top esports athletes, elite coaches, and education experts.